"I think we're going to stop once the season gets started."
This is the most common phrase our trainers hear in February.
But is suddenly stopping training because the season is starting the best answer for your athlete? I think we should think deeper about the consequences of the decision to stop. Even though your athlete may be "in a good spot", it doesn't mean we should abort what got us to this place.
Why do we think it's not the best option? Because it isn't long into the season when athletes and families come back in our doors pleading for help. We've all been there. We've put in good work during the offseason, but then reality of the season hits . . . and it hits fast and hard. We're in pressure situations facing tough opponents and the natural stressors that the season causes. Confidence is shaken, skills are being challenged, and athletes are struggling to get the outcomes they desire. So what happens...
The same athlete or family that decided to stop is now back in our doors but not after much frustration and stress that could have been controlled better had we maintained what got your athlete to the good place he or she was in before the season started.
Instead of stopping because the season gets going and life gets busier, let's adjust what training looks like to still allow our athletes to receive the encouragement and support they desire and need during the season!
Here are some benefits of in season training:
1) Mental sharpness - having an intentional mental and emotional reset throughout the week that's away from the every day game and practice grind
2) Competitive edge - maintaining confidence, staying encouraged, and keeping that competitive edge throughout the peaks and valleys of the season
3) Skill improvement - attack areas that athletes are falling short in games
Whether your athlete wants to continue training with us or you've never trained with us and are looking for in season support for your athlete, we are excited to be putting together some in season, cost affordable training options for your athlete. More to come very soon on how we can help make this the most enjoyable and fruitful baseball or softball season for your family!
Let's pack the house during the upcoming season more than we ever have! #outworkyouropponent
Much love,
Your Teammates at Turn 2
